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WAEC Answers for today

Posted by Mr. ExamGod on 28th May 2024 » 478 views

WAEC Answers for today

WAEC Answers for today

(iv) Loss of land; One of the biggest reasons for British colonialism in Nigeria was the abundant resources. The British needed the land to create massive plantations for their economic gain. When they got into the country, the colonialists forcefully grabbed land from the natives. This left most natives in colonial Nigeria with little or no land both at individual and community levels. (v) Slave trade and humiliation; the introduction of colonialism into Nigeria, the twisted idea of the slave trade followed suit. At the time, the colonial masters needed slaves to work in their home countries or in the colonies. Additionally, imperialism reduced the status and prestige accorded to Nigerian leaders. (vi) Introduction of money currencies: In pre-colonial Nigeria, the prevalent form of business was barter trade. This involved the exchange of goods with other goods, a system ridden with numerous challenges. The colonialists then introduced money currencies, making it easier to trade and do business. In 1912, the British introduced the first silver coins in the country. Around the same time, the West African Currency Board was created. Besides the money currency, the British also introduced the banking system in Nigeria, further simplifying trade in the country.

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